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Showing posts from March, 2017

4 Lessons Learnt from the Widow’s Obedience

The account of the widow and the prophet Elisha in 2 kings 4: 1 -7 brings to light certain life lessons. In this account, we read of a woman whose opening remark and initial response to the questions asked were evident of dread, but even though her situation was dire, she was truthful to add to the latter part of her answer what actually remained, by saying, “ except a little oil.” This statement from the widowed woman led to a series of events that brings to light the following lessons, and I believe that anyone could benefit from them. 1.      Obedience to Godly Instruction  The scriptures have shown us that disobedience has dire consequences. This can be seen from the fall of man in Genesis 3 as well as in other books of the Bible. But in most scriptures we’ve also been shown that there are benefits for those who obey Godly instructions and the former is a consequence of not obeying the instructions given. Now, I believe she was aware of this,...

Different view

It is human to make logical assessment on issues that surrounds us and from the assessment draw conclusions that eventually determines our respond to these issues.  The encounter of Jeremiah in chapter 1: 4 – 8, shows an interesting conversation between God and Jeremiah, the first part of the conversation in verse 5 outlined God’s will for him, but as clear as His will was revealed concerning Jeremiah, he replied with an answer that kind of implied that he heard what God has said concerning him, but that God should see things the way he currently saw them. The nature of the conversation showed that Jeremiah knew God. The nature of the conversation also shows that though he was in God’s presence and listened, he still assessed things with what his physical eyes could see. But thank God for His mercy, Jeremiah had an encounter during his conversation that removed the scales of his eyes. So when the word of the Lord came to him again in verse 11, his reply reflected God...