It is human to make logical assessment on issues that
surrounds us and from the assessment draw conclusions that eventually
determines our respond to these issues.

The nature of the conversation showed that Jeremiah knew
God. The nature of the conversation also shows that though he was in God’s
presence and listened, he still assessed things with what his physical eyes
could see. But thank God for His mercy, Jeremiah had an encounter during his
conversation that removed the scales of his eyes. So when the word of the Lord
came to him again in verse 11, his reply reflected God’s will.
A while ago I listened to a pastor who said (paraphrased),
“the most important source of revelation is from your spirit. Therefore, do not
react based on what you are seeing around you, instead see your way forward
from the spirit.” Interesting, isn’t it? It was this same point of view, that
made a man like Caleb say otherwise when others gave their disheartening
reports (Numbers 13: 30).
By faith hold on to God’s promises and respond to things
according to the deposit of God’s word within your spirit.
I’d like to hear your thoughts. God bless you and enjoy the
Photo Credits: Boca Watch | A different perspective on Boca
Raton’s Midtown Project
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