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It is I

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation or task, but are suddenly excited when you see someone you know that can handle it? I guess most people can relate to this. Well, that sense of excitement arises because you are confident in the abilities of that individual, and you are aware that the challenge is not something alien to him. Also, you can be rest assured that once the person intervenes you can finally make progress on the task or move past that situation that initially got you stuck.
The disciples found themselves in a similar situation in Matthew 14: 24 - 26. Their “boat was a considerable distance away from land, and was buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.” They were terrified by the turbulence that surrounded them and that fear left them at the mercy of the situation. But thank God for his mercy, Jesus immediately said to them, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” - Matthew 14: 27. For as these words reached these terrified men, the comfort and joy they gradually realized is one that can only be imagined.

At these words the disciples gradually came to the awareness that the one before them had calm the storm (Matthew 8: 23 - 27), and on so many accounts healed the sick, delivered the demon possessed, and not so long ago fed thousands of men, women and children with five loaves and two fishes (Matthew 14: 13 - 21). He wasn’t someone alien to the disciples; instead he was someone they were confident in. And it was this sudden understanding that made Peter stretch his faith in such situation, and at the instruction of Jesus, he courageously “got down out of the boat, walked on water and came toward Jesus” – Matthew 14: 29.

The courage to take such bold steps of faith existed because of the confidence he had in Jesus. In those moments, peters gaze were focused on him, and the look on the faces of the other disciples must have been priceless, but at the point he shifted his focus from Jesus to the turbulence that surrounded him, the seed of doubt was planted within him, and this strange seed allowed the enemy fan to flame the fear he was forewarned of.

At times the situation around us may not seem different when take such bold steps, and the doubts which were set aside may begin to overwhelm you, but even in the midst of these all, hang on to his word. For our challenges are not alien to him, the only thing that is needed when found in such situation is to seek God, just like peter, for when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” – Matthew 14: 30. And after been caught by Jesus, he was asked only one question: “why did you doubt?”

When we take steps of faith to leave a situation, the step taken does not necessarily mean the absence of the situation. The only difference is what/who we choose to focus on in those moments. And though the winds may rage when you move, keep moving with your sights set on Jesus, and give no room to doubt.

In the midst of the storm hold firm to God’s word and promises when you stretch. 

Have a blessed week ahead.

Photo Credit: Andràs, L. (2015, August 21). Bible verses pictures, Matthew 14:27 [Gif Animated]. Retrieved from


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