John 15: 6: “ if anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. ” Reading through this verse reminded me of a depiction that referred to the donkey in “The Triumphant Entry” in the book of Matthew 21: 1 – 11. In this illustration, the donkey walked alongside another on the streets of Jerusalem, when one said to the other, “Just yesterday I was here carrying the Lord Jesus and the people were singing, shouting and throwing their clothes down for me to walk on, and today they don’t even recognize me …” then the other donkey simply replied, “that’s how it is my friend, without Jesus you are nothing …” Though brief, the exchange between the two donkeys resonated within me. On a similar note, if a branch must survives and bear fruit it must stay connected to the vine; in that connection, the substance from the vine sustains the branch. This life’s substance obtained, enable...