John 15: 6: “if anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown
away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”
Reading through this verse reminded
me of a depiction that referred to the donkey in “The Triumphant Entry” in the
book of Matthew 21: 1 – 11. In this illustration, the donkey walked alongside
another on the streets of Jerusalem, when one said to the other, “Just
yesterday I was here carrying the Lord Jesus and the people were singing,
shouting and throwing their clothes down for me to walk on, and today they
don’t even recognize me …” then the other donkey simply replied, “that’s how it
is my friend, without Jesus you are nothing …”
Though brief, the exchange between
the two donkeys resonated within me.
On a similar note, if a branch must
survives and bear fruit it must stay connected to the vine; in that connection,
the substance from the vine sustains the branch. This life’s substance
obtained, enables the branch to grow and bear fruit. So also it is with the
believer; in our constant and steady relationship with the Father via the son,
we grow in Love, wisdom, favour, and every necessary revelation, so as to bear
fruits – fruits that last. For outside the vine, there is no steady connection
to that ever sustaining life’s substance.
From that separation, one is left
weak and vulnerable which eventually leads to spiritual death.
In such a state of detachment, only
emptiness and a longing for something more shall remain. Such longing cannot be
filled with busy activities, nor can it be found in some other form of
distraction. But thank God for His mercy, even though a branch separated from
the vine in the physical sense withers and dies when separated from the life’s
substance of the vine, His grace is abundant to graft those once lost back to
the vine.
Once a repentant sinner returns to
the Father, he or she is by Grace restored back to the loving arms of the
Father and a beneficiary of the life’s substance of the vine [read The Father’s Love].
If you have been disconnected, I
encourage you today to come to the Father, for God is merciful and by His grace
you can be connected to the eternal life’s source through His son, Jesus
Christ. To do so, please say the short prayer below:
“Heavenly father, I
come to you in the name of Jesus and I ask that you wash away my sins, I
believe with my heart that Jesus died for my sins, and you raised Him from the
dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord therefore I am saved and I
am a born again child of God. Thank you for saving me in Jesus name. Amen”
If you have said this prayer, then congratulations! Next
thing is to go to a bible believing church nearest to you, and personally study
and equip yourself with the word of God.
Enjoy a blessed week ahead.
P .S: if you personally want to reach out to me with a
prayer request, you can contact me with the email: God
bless you.
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