Recently, a brother told me he had
downloaded a song I longed to have in audio format. Excited about the news, I
immediately interrupted him to tell how glad I would be to have him send me a
copy of the song. However, in the course of me expressing my gratitude he
continued his sentence by telling me he had downloaded another, but since I was
working and talking, I did not get the detail of the main artist only the
featured one. And with the limited information I blurted out saying, “What
reason do I have to listen to that artist?” for I did not appreciate the
category sang by the artist in question, “I don’t listen to those kinds of
songs.” I concluded.
“It’s a gospel song by …,” replied
the brother in a calm tone.
As he replied, I remembered the
message from that morning’s devotional which discussed Zaccheaus the Tax
Collector, and at the same time I recalled the sermon from the previous Sunday
about the parable of the lost son. The thought of these messages humbled me and
guided my next response.

Why was this so?
He felt he had to earn whatever he
needed to ask of his Father, but this was not so, as the Father later explained
to him in verse 31. For though the younger one squandered what he was initially
given, it was evident that when he realize the errors of his ways, he repented
and thought of nothing more than to humbly return to his ever loving Father.
His Father seeing his son from afar
off, did not hold his past actions against him - of which the elder brother was
angry - but with compassion received him with gladness. This act alone showed
that irrespective of the son’s actions, the Father’s heart still yearned for
the return of His son.
For it’s not our efforts that would
earn us what we need from the Father (verse 31), instead it is by His grace. What
belongs to the Father is mine as well, as long as I stay connected to Him. This
doesn’t mean we should not work, for even the older brother was returning from
the field.
So it’s not my efforts that make me
righteous; it’s not my strength that makes me deserve something or anything
from the Father; it is by his grace, which is abundant, free, and undeserved.
So when Jesus visited Zaccheaus’
house in Luke 19: 1 - 10, it’s not that he deserved it, for the people murmured
as to why Jesus would enter the house of someone like him, but was mercy that
was at work. And when mercy is at work, every sinner has a future, and when
grace is speaking, every saint has no past of misdeeds. This is what the
Father’s love is capable of.
This love, which is the nature of
the Father should be seen through us as Christians. It’s not in our place to
murmur, for the commission given to us is to reach out with the good news and
reconcile the lost to Him (2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 20).
May we grow in the Father’s love,
and focus on what we’ve been called for in Jesus name.
Have a blessed week ahead.
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